7 -Tips for security your phone


7 -Tips for security your phone

7 -Tips for security your phone

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With the multiplicity of cybersecurity and hacking attacks, it has become imperative to protect 👇your phone or computer from hacking.

There is little comfort to your hard-working smartphone. If you're like many professionals today, you use it for work, play, and a bunch of non-public work in between. Now, what if something goes wrong with the phone, like getting lost or stolen? Even worse, what if your smartphone is hacked? Let's try to prevent this from happening to you. Follow Favorite7 ways to protect your electronic devices from hacking.

Globally, many people are doing double duty with their smartphone. In Spain, one survey found that 55% of individuals use an identical phone for a mix of private and work activities. The same survey showed that up to half of the people interviewed in Japan, Australia and the United States did so, while countries like the United Kingdom and Germany fell by 31% and 23%, respectively.

Whether these numbers trend toward the low or high end, the implications for protection remain constant. A smartphone full of business and private data makes it a desirable target. Hackers target smartphones because they are often unprotected, providing hackers with direct "access" to your personal information and to any corporate networks you will be using. It's like two discs with one stone.

Simply put, as a professional working with a smartphone, you are a high-value target

Steps to protect your phone or computer

1- Make sure to protect your personal information because it is precious

2- You must know who you are dealing with "the identity of the site with which you are dealing"

3- Use security programs that update automatically

4- Continuously update the operating system and navigation software and learn about their security features

5- Make sure passwords are protected

6- Back up important files

7- Learn what to do in an electronic emergency

7 -Tips for security your phone

1- Make sure to protect your personal information because it is precious

It is important not to share personal information. An identity thief can immediately see your financial accounts, credit history, and other assets. To protect your personal information, the following steps should be taken:

Avoid replying to an email, text, or pop-up asking for your personal or financial information, and do not click any links in these messages.

- If you wish to visit the website of a particular bank or company, enter its name yourself in your browser.

- Avoid replying to an email, text, pop-up or text message asking you to call a phone number to update your account or enter your personal information to get your money back.

- If you want to contact a specific organization with which you have a business relationship, you can call the number printed on your financial statement or use the telephone index.

2- You must know who you are dealing with "the identity of the site with which you are dealing"

Some identity thieves may be able to steal the personal information of many people through hacking, and there are several steps you can take to ensure that information is not disclosed only to organizations you trust, and they are as follows:

- If you shop on the internet, do not provide your personal or financial information on the company's website unless you verify that there are indications that the site is secure, such as a padlock icon appears on the status bar of the browser or the name of the site begins with the letters https, because the letter "s" is an abbreviation of the word "secure".

3- Use security programs that update automatically

- Always make sure to activate and update the protection program, and you should at least install an anti-virus program on the mobile phone.

You should also make sure that you have an anti-spyware program and a firewall.

You can purchase stand-alone software for each of these items or a security package that includes such software from a variety of sources.

Once you are sure your security software is up to date, scan your mobile phone for viruses and spyware.

4- Continuously update the operating system and navigation software and learn about their security features

Hackers take advantage of browsers that do not have the latest security updates, so it is necessary to configure the operating system and browser program to automatically download and install security supplements.

5- Make sure passwords are protected

It is important to keep your passwords in a safe place and not make them easily visible. It is essential that you do not reveal your password to anyone on the Internet or over the phone, and the company providing Internet services cannot ask you to do so. you for your password.

6- Back up important files

If you keep important files on your mobile phone, copy them to a removable disk in your computer or to an external hard drive and keep them in a safe place.

7- Learn what to do in an electronic emergency

If you suspect that malware is tampering with your mobile phone, you should stop shopping, banking, and other internet activities that require you to use your login name, password, or other sensitive information because software malicious people can send personal information to identity thieves.)you may be interested

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